Well-being Boosters

Well-being Boosters

• Cosmetic treatment not medical
• B12 Is an essential micronutrient
• Deficiency is common and largely unrecognized
• Crucial to many body functions
• Many illnesses can result from B12 deficiency
• Physical side effects can occur when low in the body
• More potent than tablets
• Helps improve iron function
• Essential for energy, metabolism, immune system, and function of blood cells

• Irritability
• Mood swings
• Confusion
• Forgetfulness
• Fogginess
• Psychosis
• Hallucinations or delusion
• Depression
• Anxiety/Panic attacks
• Tension headaches

• Tiredness
• Depression
• Hair loss
• Pins & needles
• Numbness in the hands or feet
• Tremors or palsies
• Palpitations
• Recurrent headaches
• Dizziness

Within hours:

• Mood improves
• Sociability improves
• Sleep improvement

Within a day:

• Fatigue lessons
• Energy boosted

Within a week:

• Brain fog lifts
• Numbness and pins and needles start to remit

Within 2 weeks:

• Strength may return to muscles and joints

Within a month:

• Strength and grip improves
• Pains in hands and feet remit
• Fertility cycles normalize
• Thyroid and cortisol hormones normalize

• Supports hair, skin and nail health
• Triggers the reaction needed to convert food into energy
• Boosts metabolization of fats and carbohydrates
• Aids breaking down fat in the body
• Provides energy
• Regulates menstrual cycle

• Brittle hair
• Brittle nails
• Aging skin or dehydration
• Red rashes on skin
• Dry eyes
• Dry or scaly skin
• Cracking in corners of the mouth
• Upset stomach
• Burning or prickling sensation in the hands or feet
• Fatigue
• Difficulty sleeping
• Depression

• Hair growth
• Nail growth
• Accelerates wound healing
• Prevents grey hair
• Weight loss
• Boosts fertility
• Helps regulate blood sugar levels
• Lowers cholesterol
• Aids digestion
• Soothes anxiety
• Improves depression

• Also known as Ascorbic acid
• Destroys viruses and bacteria
• Required for growth of collagen
• Essential for amino acids and peptide function
• Helps prevent cancer
• Water soluble acid
• Reduces inflammation in the body
• Aids healing
• Powerful antioxidant

• Tiredness or fatigue
• Bleeding gums
• Skin sensitivity
• Low energy
• More frequent illnesses
• Poor healing
• Anxiety
• Bruise easily
• Irritability
• Weight gain
• Hair loss

• Heals wounds, burns, and bleeding gums
• Boosts other medication
• Boosts immune system
• Increases absorption of inorganic Iron
• Accelerates healing after surgery
• Decreases blood cholesterol
• Lowers blood pressure
• Prevents viral and bacterial infections
• Protects against cancer
• Lowers the risk of blood clots in veins
• Reduces the risk of a stroke

• Cosmetic treatment not medical

Deficiency can be the result of:

• Lack of sun exposure
• Reduced intake of vitamin D in the diet
• Vitamin D is unable to be metabolized by the body
• Body becomes resistant to the effects of Vitamin D

• Tiredness or fatigue
• Bone pain
• Joint pain
• Muscle pain
• Sour mood
• Low energy
• More frequent illnesses
• Anxiety
• Irritability
• Weight gain
• Hair loss
• Sweaty scalp
• Fertility issues

• Normalises cancerous cells
• Acts as prevention and treatment for some cancers
• Stimulates insulin production, can prevent type 2 Diabetes
• Reduces chances of developing coronary heart disease
• Reduces inflammation in the blood vessels
• Helps improve skin conditions such as psoriasis
• Helps prevent dental problems
• Boosts moods and improves depression
• Maintains a healthy immune system
• Helps the body absorb calcium

Phone Tracy Today!

Phone Tracy on 07850 426 387 to book a treatment.